Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hugs and Kisses!

I have been playing scrabble since I was a little girl. It has to be my favorite board game.

About a year ago I started collecting scrabble tiles. Most of the tiles I have found are rather new. But occasionally I can find some that have been played with for many years. These tiles are darker, and the edges are worn smooth. They feel loved.

It is with these older, loved tiles that I have created this bracelet that I call "Hugs and Kisses". This lovely bracelet carries the message of love, with the "X" representing Kisses and the "O" Hugs.

For a little color and sparkle, I added a Red Swarovski Crystal Heart between the tiles.

This bracelet would make a great Christmas Present. If you would like to purchase this OAK piece, you can find it in my Etsy Store.